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Values, Vision & Mission

That’s the first part finished. Well done!

Here are some questions about your organisation’s long-term ultimate goals (your vision), about why you exist (your mission), and about what you value along the way (your values).

16. Vision

Which statement best matches your organisation?

We have no vision

We have a vision that only the board/management know about, but that we DON’T follow

We have a vision that most people in the organisation know about, but that we DON’T follow

We have a vision that only the board/management know about and that we act on (consciously/unconsciously)

We have a vision that most people in the organisation know about and that we act on (consciously/unconsciously)


The significance of a vision during transformation

Transformation researcher John Kotter says about vision: Creating a force in the right direction requires a clear vision. A good vision achieves three things: it simplifies complexities, it inspires people to move in the right direction even under uncertainty, and it coordinates different activities by allowing staff members who understand where they are heading to make decisions in the right direction.
A vision is particularly important in the early stages of transformation; hence the Values and Vision & Mission motor must precede the others.

The significance of a vision during transformation

Transformation researcher John Kotter says about vision: Creating a force in the right direction requires a clear vision. A good vision achieves three things: it simplifies complexities, it inspires people to move in the right direction even under uncertainty, and it coordinates different activities by allowing staff members who understand where they are heading to make decisions in the right direction.
A vision is particularly important in the early stages of transformation; hence the Values and Vision & Mission motor must precede the others.

The significance of a vision during transformation

Transformation researcher John Kotter says about vision: Creating a force in the right direction requires a clear vision. A good vision achieves three things: it simplifies complexities, it inspires people to move in the right direction even under uncertainty, and it coordinates different activities by allowing staff members who understand where they are heading to make decisions in the right direction.
A vision is particularly important in the early stages of transformation; hence the Values and Vision & Mission motor must precede the others.

The significance of a vision during transformation

Transformation researcher John Kotter says about vision: Creating a force in the right direction requires a clear vision. A good vision achieves three things: it simplifies complexities, it inspires people to move in the right direction even under uncertainty, and it coordinates different activities by allowing staff members who understand where they are heading to make decisions in the right direction.
A vision is particularly important in the early stages of transformation; hence the Values and Vision & Mission motor must precede the others.

17. Vision from a digital perspective

Which statement best matches your organisation?

Our overriding vision does not consider the digital perspective

Our overriding vision does not consider the digital perspective, but we have a separate digital vision

Our overriding vision considers the digital perspective, and we also have a separate digital vision

We have ONE vision in the company and it considers the digital perspective


Consider implementing a digital vision

The purpose of a digital vision is to simplify, improve quality and to inject a sense of urgency into the change process. The digital vision should only be present during a transition phase. Cap Gemini and MIT demonstrate in a study that something that distinguishes the most digitally mature companies from the less mature, is that the former has a clear vision for the digitalization that is widely communicated in the organization.

Read the study

18. Mission

Is there a clear reason as to why your organisation exists (apart from earning money, if you are a commercial organisation)?


Yes, but it does not engage anyone

Yes, and it engages our external environment but not our employees

Yes, and it engages our employees but not our external environment

Yes, and it engages our employees and our external environment


Start with why

See Simon Sinek’s classic TED talk “Start With Why”, in which Sinek explains that the answer to “why” is essential in order to create engagement. He says, “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it”.
Here you can read about Doberman’s view on mission and how they generate a force from it.

Start with why

See Simon Sinek’s classic TED talk “Start With Why”, in which Sinek explains that the answer to “why” is essential in order to create engagement. He says, “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it”.
Here you can read about Doberman’s view on mission and how they generate a force from it.

19. Mission from a digital perspective

Which statement best matches your organisation?

Our overriding mission does not consider the digital perspective

Our overriding mission does not consider the digital perspective, but we have a separate digital mission

Our overriding mission considers the digital perspective, and we also have a separate digital mission

We have ONE mission in the organisation and it considers the digital perspective


A digital mission: why is the company working with digitalization?

The purpose of a digital mission, as with digital vision, is to simplify, improve quality and to create a sense of urgency around the change. A digital mission serves a purpose mainly in the beginning of the transformation.

20. The company’s values

Which statement best matches your organisation?

I don’t know if we have any particular values in the organisation

Our values are expressed, but no one lives by them

We have no expressed values, but there is a consensus on what they are and they are complied with

Our values are expressed and they are complied with


The Mars group

Jim Collins, author of the best seller Good To Great, has designed an exercise to help organizations identify their values. Its called The Mars group. To the exercise.

Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappo; how to create values with meaning

Tony Hsieh is a unique CEO with many new fresh thoughts about leadership and organizations. Listen to what he has to say about values and how they become the foundation for a corporate culture.

21. Values, vision and mission jointly

Which statement best matches your organisation?

The values, vision and mission do not provide any clear guidance for the organisation

The values, vision and mission provide clear guidance for the organisation, but they are perceived as inhibitive

The values, vision and mission provide clear guidance for the organisation, and they allow scope for independent action


Three exercises that help you identify your values and your vision & mission.

If you don’t know why an organization exists or where it is heading or what it values along the way, then it’s next to impossible to implement a transformation. The following three exercises are a great start for this work.
1. Formulate values (The Mars group)
2. Formulate vision
3. Formulate mission

22. Does the organisation as a whole consider it important to continuously adapt to changes in the market and external environment?

No, very few if any consider this important Yes, most people consider this important

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises:

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises:

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises:

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises:

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises:

Pick the right wave

Being able to pick the right change wave is essential in a fast changing world. Having an effective and efficient process for continuous market analysis is key. Which change waves impact your industry the most?

Try these exercises: