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Annelie Nässén on how to lead digital transformation

Who: An interview with Annelie Nässén, Executive Vice President for Global Sales & Marketing and part of Group Management. Annelie has more than 25 years of experience in various senior positions within a highly competitive industry. At SAS she has implemented a number of changes at a rapid pace and at the same time delivering good results. In 2016 she received the award Manager of the Year in the Swedish Grand Travel Award.
What: How to lead digital transformation and on the special challenges it involves being an international player to be transformed.
Content providerDigJourney, interview conducted by Johan Forsberg in connection with the seminar Digital Transformation in global organizations on#TransformationDaythe 23rd of April 2018.

You have to know why you are doing the digital transformation
– Annelie Nässén, SAS


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