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SAS Global Sales & Marketing uses the digital learning and maturity test and we exchanged a few words with Annelie Nässén, Executive Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing, and member of SAS Group Management, on how they use the test and what value it creates.
What was it that made you want to do the digital maturity test?
Nässén: We did it primarily to have a starting point in our digital transformation and our work going forward.
Can you tell us what segmentations you did and why?
Nässén: We chose to segment in two dimensions: Our different departments plus a segmentation into management team, middle managers and other employees.
We learned to better understand each other’s perspectives
How did you and others at SAS GSM experience doing the test?
Nässén: In general, the questions are easy, yet difficult to answer. What I would like to say with this is that the questions are basic and relatively easy, but sometimes they require a lot of thought to answer. As the test takes some time, some had some resistance, but when it was important to us, it was time we prioritized.
Another part of the experience is that as the questions are general and not adapted to our specific company or industry, it is sometimes a question about how different people interpret the questions, one had to think about the starting point when answering. However, this gave a valuable discussion afterwards and we learned to better understand each other’s perspectives.
What have you learned from the result you received?
Nässén: We have learned that we are in different phases and that our digital maturity is different in different parts and that it is ok. That’s something we talked about in groups afterwards. Based on the methodology Digital Maturity Matrix, we have also defined in what maturity phase we are overall and we have taken this as a foundation to work out our new strategic plan.
How will you use the result going forward?
Nässén: It is up to each management team member to take this on in each team and discuss the results, for example look at the differences and similarities between the management team and the mid managers perception of our digital maturity. The result shows that sometimes there are quite large differences between different departments and levels within the company which is interesting and important to understand and discuss.
We have taken this as a foundation to work out our new strategic plan
Would you recommend others to do the maturity test?
Nässén: Yes, I would recommend companies regardless of industry that have really made their mind up regarding making a digital transformation to use the test. It’s a good way to define a starting point and see similarities and differences – it leads to a greater common understanding! We also have developed a more common language at the same time, which facilitates communication. In other words, it helps out in understanding where we are as well as facilitates collaboration.
Check out the maturity tests