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Our digital future: What skills are required?

Who: Susan Lund, Partner McKinsey Global Institute, Arun Sundararajan, Professor NYU Stern School of Business, Vasant Dhar, Tom Siebel, Chairman and CEO C3 IoT, professor NYU Stern School of Business, James Manyika – Director McKinsey Global Institute, Ann-Marie Slaughter, CEO New America, Katherine Fleming, Principal New York University, Jeff Wald, Co-founder and CEO WorkMarket, Allen Blue, Co-founder Linkedin and Mike Rosenbaum, CEO Arena.
What: Interviews regarding what skills will be rewarded in future working life.
Content providerMcKinsey & Company 2017

60% of the professions have on average 30% of the activities in the professional roles that can be automated
James Manyika – McKinsey Global Institute